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Nov 27, 2011

Suggested CV Format

We had covered what the ingredients of a CV are, earlier, in one of our pages given at the top our blog home page. Please go through that before you check out this post. The CV is the first level at which a candidate gets eliminated so you have to make sure that your CV has got content that the company is looking for, and that there are no grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. While there is no single perfect format that we can suggest, given below is the format for a fresher's CV which is acceptable.

Address for Communication
Mail ID
Contact No.
Objective (This can be deleted if you don’t have anything worthwhile to state but do not copy & paste from another CV)

This Objective statement should show how your specific talents/ skills can be of use to the company you are applying to.Taking an example in this case, of an insurance company; To utilize my exceptional communication skills in a marketing role with an insurance company.
Educational Qualifications
Board/ Univ.
% Marks
Year of Passing




Additional Qualifications
(Any additional courses/ certifications done)

Topics/ Subjects if any, that you have studied and which is Relevant to the Above Mentioned Insurance Company
(This could form the basis for all questions on subject knowledge)

Projects in UG and PG including any internship you have done
(To include name of company/ name of project with brief details)

Interests/ Achievements
(Do not mention things like surfing the internet, listening to music, playing cricket etc which is what everyone in India does, unless you have some achievement to write about)

  • Any positions of authority held
  • Anything organized
  • Any extra/ co- curricular activities participated in like dance, dramatics, debate, elocution, quiz, NCC, NSS, Scouts and Guides. Also include achievements if any.
  • Sports and games played if any, at what level, and achievements if any.
  • Hobbies if any like stamp collecting, coins collecting, playing a musical instrument etc
  • Reading habits, if any, mentioning specific authors

Note 1 Whatever you mention in the CV is subject to questioning by the interviewer.

Note 2 The whole purpose of this is to check whether you have a well rounded personality and whether you have utilised the time available to you properly.

Note 3 Spend a few days thinking about what you have done in your life that is significant. Have you done anything that can show your organizational skills or communication skills or interpersonal skills or have you been exceptional in academics? Then start writing your CV.

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth
  • Fathers Name, occupation and contact details
  • Permanent Address

Date:                                                                                  Sign

1 comment :

  1. Much helpful guidance given about cv format, cv format is good, thank you a lot for shairng cv format
