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Nov 14, 2011

What Corporates Look for

Here are certain key questions and what is expected from you when recruiters from companies interview you. The technical skills expected will be discussed in a subsequent post.

What does an interviewer look for/ what do I expect when I interview you?

I- Have you researched my company? And my industry, which you appear eager to join?
During the course of your interview I will definitely want to know whether you have bothered to check out my company; whether you have done a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) analysis. Do you know my company’s history, products, competitors and financial status?

If you did not feel the need to Google and research my company, I will usually have a couple of queries; Do you plan to get married? And if the answer is yes, would you like to know a bit about the bride or groom to be, before taking the final decision. I have seen many sheepish faces in my career when I asked these questions!

Can you draw a parallel between these two?

II- Were you on time for the interview?
 You better be on time because otherwise I will assume a lot of things. That you have no concept of time management; you do not show enough respect for me and MY time; you are casual; you couldn’t care whether you attended the interview or not; chances are that even if I hire you, you will not be able to deliver results on time; you will not be able to meet set targets; and finally, that you are poor at planning because you could not undertake a simple task of reaching in time for an interview which may set you on the path of your selected career in your dream company.

Ideally, you should reach the interview office about 15 minutes before the time stipulated. So work backwards, including the smallest details; cater for the lift not functioning; time to locate the building; travel time; traffic at the time you are expected to travel; road and weather conditions; time to catch an auto rickshaw or bus. So now, decide what time you need to leave home to reach the interview location with 15 minutes to spare so that you can get your breath back, try and reduce your nervousness, go to the wash room to check on how your dress and hair are, set your CV and other certificates in order and inform the receptionist that you have come for the interview and the name of the person you have been told to meet.

Appears like too much activity for just one interview, right?

III Dress
 I once interviewed a gentleman who was dressed formally in a slightly ill- fitting coat and tie. During the interview he may have pulled his buttoned collar at least 5- 6 times. On inquiry, he told me that he saw others in a jacket and tie and had, therefore, borrowed the same from a friend. Needless to say, his entire interview went badly because he was not used to wearing a tie. And of course, it being summer, he was drenched in sweat because of the coat he was wearing.

You need to dress smartly for an interview because the first impression leaves a major impact on the interviewer. However, I don’t think it is mandatory to wear a coat and tie so it may be useful to check out from the HR who contacted you, whether this is mandatory.

You can easily Google the dress code for an interview on the net.

Gents, what you need to wear are well fitted, ironed clothes including a light coloured full sleeve shirt, dark trousers, shoes and socks. Remember to shave and have a decent haircut. And remove all your ear studs, bracelets and flashing necklaces.

Ladies, I think a saree/ salwar suit would do. Western wear in the form of skirts or trousers can be left to students of management schools who are comfortable in them. Also, leave the bright, shining and distracting clothes and noisy/ flashy ornaments at home. Jewellery should be limited, smart and formal.

At the cost of repeating myself, I would like to state that the first impression you make will go a long way in getting selected.

IV-When I look at you and while interviewing you, what do I want to see?
I find it more interesting to interview boys and girls who are energetic and enthusiastic, who display a cheerful face, who settle down after 5- 10 minutes and then appear to enjoy the interview, who are capable of smiling at some of my silly jokes (which I use to check your sense of humour). Someone, who will be a positive and welcome addition to my company / departmentNOT someone, who looks as though he/ she is carrying the weight of the entire universe on his/ her shoulder, or is about to breakdown and cry. Such a person will definitely bring down the energy levels of whichever office he/ she joins.

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