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Dec 15, 2011

What Corporates Look for Part II

I had mentioned in a previous post with the same title, various aspects that I would look for in you, if I were a recruiter aiming to hire you for my company. Here are a few more which look a little deeper into the mind of a recruiter and will help you prepare better for your interview.

1. Return on Investment. A decision to hire you is taken primarily based on what you can get to the table i.e. the results you can deliver. If I am going to pay you X as your annual salary, I expect you to earn 5 or 10 times that amount for my company. Otherwise, it is not worth hiring you. So, if you have the Attitude, Skills and Knowledge to earn that amount for my company, you are hired.

Preparation for a Telephonic Interview

A large number of companies nowadays start their selection process with a telephonic interview before calling a candidate for a face to face interview.
Once your CV goes through the initial screening process, a member of the company will line up your telephonic interview with one of the managers who would, after the interview, assess whether you should be called for the main interview round(s). So it is very important that you make a good impression. In addition, if you are applying for administrative jobs, sales jobs, or customer service jobs, this is an excellent way for an employer to determine the level of your effectiveness on the telephone. 

Dec 5, 2011

A Career in the Indian Armed Forces

The Indian armed forces are, perhaps, the only profession under the Indian Government where selection is purely on the basis of merit and NOT on region, caste, religion or language. If you have the qualities desired, they will select you. And you will be one of the select few who will get the opportunity to wear the coveted uniform of an officer of the Indian armed forces, with pride. The salary and perks are good; but if you are looking to have an easy time, I would suggest you look elsewhere.

Overcome Interview Nervousness

Butterflies in the stomach, is a sign of nervousness and is present in anyone and everyone who is waiting for/ just commenced a job interview, whether it is for a first in a lifetime job or for the post of CEO. However, once the talking starts, you should, normally, become comfortable in about five minutes time.

To start with, being thorough on the subject matter and rehearsing answers to standard questions is a good way to overcome a part of the nervousness.

Dec 4, 2011

Dress Code for Interview

How you dress for an interview is almost as important as the way you prepare your resume. Dressing shows human attitude and behaviour. It shows whether the person is capable of the right conduct or not. A person who is shabby in appearance shows a sloppy personality, so you have to be decently dressed if you hope to crack that interview in your dream company. Dressing should match the situation/occasion.

For example, we can’t wear jeans or skirts on our wedding day or wear footwear in a temple or mosque. Many companies expect their employees or prospective employees to wear business formals and would like to see how you look in such clothes and also to assess whether you are serious about joining them.