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Dec 5, 2011

Overcome Interview Nervousness

Butterflies in the stomach, is a sign of nervousness and is present in anyone and everyone who is waiting for/ just commenced a job interview, whether it is for a first in a lifetime job or for the post of CEO. However, once the talking starts, you should, normally, become comfortable in about five minutes time.

To start with, being thorough on the subject matter and rehearsing answers to standard questions is a good way to overcome a part of the nervousness.
You must remember that a job interview is like match- making for a marriage; the company gets into a conversation with you to know more about you, to see if you will fit, and you are simultaneously checking out the company to see whether they deserve you or whether you should look elsewhere.

A major factor that will raise your spirits and help you be more confident is if you are determined to enjoy the interview process, whatever be the outcome. If you are already employed and are not taken by the company, so what? You already have a job. If you are a fresher, and don’t make it, so what? The experience will be useful and leave you confident for your next interview. The interviewer, at the most, can tell you to leave because he is not satisfied, and can do nothing worse to you. 

If you are well-prepared, you can use a personal interview to your advantage. A personal interview with the interviewer is a chance for you to sell your skills. If you gently focus the conversation to your strong areas, you will emerge successful.

Given below are a few points which can help candidates appear confidently in job interviews:
  •          As mentioned earlier prepare thoroughly.
  •         Don’t talk too much because such candidates are disliked and you may be told to be brief while answering and this will make you nervous, so keep it short.
  •          When asked a question listen carefully and think before you answer. Be honest and inform the interviewer if you don’t know the answer rather than beating around the bush and wasting time. This will be appreciated.
  •        Demonstrate enthusiasm, make eye contact when you talk and keep a smiling, cheerful face which is a good indication that you are confident and enjoying the interaction. 
  •          Prepare thoroughly to showcase yourself and speak about your achievements but remain humble.
  •        Speak in your natural style without putting on an accent as this accent will slip the moment you are put under stress.
A candidate with a pleasant appearance who knows his subject and appears quietly confident has the best chances of making the grade. Preparation and more preparation is the key to overcoming those butterflies in the stomach.

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