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Nov 1, 2011

Strategy for getting selected

How to Use this blog
You should first read the page Preparing for Selection. You will find that the best starting point for this blog. You will find many posts with background information that you will need to identify your Dream Job and start on the exciting journey into the employment space.

Then we can start on the task of getting selected for your Dream Job. To do that we must learn to crack the selection process. 

To do this we must first get into the mind of a recruiter and understand the recruitment process from his position:

The HR Manager first screens the candidates to remove unsuitable candidates from the big list of job aspirants and presents the most suitable candidates for actual selection by the Operating Managers. In most cases, the HR Manager uses several tools to screen for final selection. In this blog we will try to expose you to the same tools.

Screening of CVs:

Around placement time all HR managers of companies receive a flood of CVs. This is also the time when most companies want to recruit. So the first step for the HR manager is to screen the CVs to get a manageable number. Your job is to see that you don’t get screened out!

How do we do this? Let’s understand the screening process. The first screening parameter is the source of the CV. The HR Manager will spend most of his/her time reading CVs from the best colleges when he is rushed. Almost no time will be available to the second and third tier colleges. S/he might give these to his/her assistant or cursorily glance at them.
It will just be a lottery to get shortlisted here unless you have a strategy. The trick here is to reach him/her very early. Get your placement officer to send a selected bunch of CVs very early and follow through with regular communication to retain his attention. You will find tips in the page “Build a Great Resume” and the page "Rate Your Institute" will help you take informed actions. Look for posts labeled CV and Research.

Aptitude Tests and Group Discussions:
Many companies administer aptitude tests. Prepare for them. We will shortly provide links to great resources for these. Similarly Group Discussions! Watch for posts labeled “Preparation” for tips on how to prepare for GDs. These are the second level screening tools used by HR managers.

Usually, there are two or more interviews for fresh candidates. First Interviews are usually designed to screen candidates on Attitude and Soft Skills. You will find a whole lot of posts labeled “Skills” and “Attitude

Final Selection:
Usually the final selection depends on your suitability for the job. You will put yourself at a great advantage and sail through if you know about the “Industry” and the “Function” and develop and demonstrate Key Technical Skills for the job. Operating managers want “Ready to Deploy” employees and such skills will persuade them that you possess them. There will be several posts on Key Technical Skills

So let’s work to make you provide a compelling reason for the recruiter to give you your Dream Job.

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